Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
1. raw; uncooked; fresh
- アメリカじんアメリカ人
- には
- よくある
- こと
- だ
- が
- かれ彼
- は
- なまの
- さかな魚
- を
- す好かない
As is often the case with Americans, he does not care for raw fish.Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
2. natural; as it is; unedited; unprocessed
Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
3. unprotected (sex); raw; barebackColloquial
- ゴム
- を
- する
- と
- たし確かに
- せいかん性感
- が
- お落ちる
- ので
、- でき出来れば
- なま生
- で
- したい
- です
The sensitivity certainly drops if I use a condom, so if possible I'd like to do it bareback.Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
4. live (i.e. not recorded)
- ある
- ひひょうか批評家
- が
、- バレー
- を
- えが描いた
- わたし私の
- え絵
- を
- み見たら
、- なま生の
- バレー
- こうえん公演
- を
- みにい見に行く
- ひつよう必要
- が
- ない
- と
- い言った
- ことがあります
A critic once said that if you saw my ballet paintings, you didn't have to go to a live performance.Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no', Noun
5. inexperienced; unpolished; green; crude
6. impudence; saucinessAbbreviation, See also 生意気 Noun
7. unpasteurized beer; draft beer; draught beerAbbreviation, See also 生ビール Noun which may take the genitive case particle 'no'
8. blank (e.g. disk); unusedSee also 生テープ Prefix
9. just a little; somehow; vaguely; partially; somewhat; half-; semi-before an adjective
10. insufficient; incomplete; half-baked; half-hearted; perfunctory
12. tipsinessAbbreviation, See also 生酔い
生 vs 新鮮