Words — 7 found
Common word JLPT N4 Wanikani level 12 Play audio Show 17 collocations Links
- 息が掛かる - to have the personal support of (an influential person)
- 息が切れる - to run out of breath
- 息が合う - to (work, talk, etc.) together smoothly
- 息が詰まる - to choke
- 息をする - to breathe
- 息をつく - to take a breath
- 息を継ぐ - to take a breath
- 息を呑む - to catch one's breath
- 息を潜める - to hold one's breath
- 息を切らす - to be out of breath
- 息を合わせる - to synchronise the breathing with the opponent prior to the start of a match
- 息を吐く - to breathe out
- 息を吹き返す - to resume breathing
- 息を引き取る - to pass away
- 息を殺す - to hold one's breath
- 息を荒げる - to breathe heavily
- 息を詰める - to hold one's breath
1. son
- ははおや母親
- は
- むすこ息子
- に
- やかましく
- い言って
- き聞かせた 。
2. penisColloquial
息 【むすこ】
1. festival game of scooping up plastic cartoon figurines floating in water; character scoopingUsually written using kana alone, See also 金魚すくい