
5 Replies ・ Started by dimithetree at 2024-03-16 13:55:09 UTC ・ Last reply by Seikimatsuhasha at 2024-05-30 11:58:29 UTC
This is a discussion about 掻く

Synonym for 'snore'

Hi. The expression イビキをかく can use 掻く, just like 汗をかく. I think having a definition of this word as 'to snore' is warranted, since 'to sweat' IS here.

Beelzebubbles at 2024-03-18 08:35:54 UTC

Is 掻く used on its own to mean "snore"? If I google image search, every single result is of someone scratching. It seems that you need to explicitly say イビキを~ for it to mean "snore". Goo dictionary lists both sweat and snore as sub-examples of one meaning: 7 あまり好ましくないものを表面にだす。Like, "to bring something undesirable to the surface", but it seems you still have explicitly use イビキを~. Maybe the jisho entry could be organised like that? I dunno, not my call, I'm not advanced enough to say.

Lyza at 2024-03-18 15:52:07 UTC

It's probably related to common usage. Japanese tends to omit subject/object when speaking, so when a phrase was repeated so many time without the subject/object, the meaning eventually sticks to the verb too. The phrase 運がつく/ついている got the same treatment. Nowadays they just say ついている without the 運 to mean "lucky".
いびき is probably not so common to warranted the same treatment.

Seikimatsuhasha at 2024-05-25 13:57:49 UTC

Well, あせ and いびき simply take the verb 掻く. It's just a matter of collocation.

flayxis at 2024-05-30 01:11:20 UTC

There are more meanings to consider: https://jisho.org/search/*%E6%8E%BB%E3%81%8F As most of them are not listed in the entry for just 掻く I wonder why "to sweat" has made it. And I'm quite sleepy but I can't find any explanation for meaning like in 田をかく or 鰹節をかく or からしをかく which all don't seem too obscure.

Seikimatsuhasha at 2024-05-30 11:58:29 UTC

We don't say 田をかく, and it usually doesn't make sense. If you use かく with 鰹節 and からし, they just sound 鰹節を欠く and からしを欠く, and I can't think of other way to say.
田を欠く?Not impossible but would be rare.

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