
1 Reply ・ Started by Gabmasaru at 2023-11-29 19:41:16 UTC ・ Last reply by Lyza at 2023-11-30 03:28:09 UTC

New word

I realized that 話数 is not an available word if you search for it. However, I think it would be good to add it, since its a useful word. Ive heard before : 後半の話数, which means : that´s a conversation for another time.

Lyza at 2023-11-30 03:28:09 UTC

where did you find that meaning? Im pretty sure that means "the number of episodes in the second half (of the season)" as in TV series/programs context.
Wa is episodes like 第二話 第三話,
Suu is suffix for the number of something,
It's not exactly a "new" word entirely so not that many dictionaries have it distinguished as an individual entry.

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