
1 Reply ・ Started by Eren_Yeager at 2023-11-08 08:25:09 UTC ・ Last reply by Lyza at 2023-11-08 11:29:16 UTC

Is this phrase rational

今日 汽船 は 静かではない です

Kyou kisen ha shizukadewanai desu

Lyza at 2023-11-08 11:29:16 UTC

If there's a の in between nai and desu then it's acceptable... kinda. Recently I feel like arimasen and nainodesu is the same MOST of the time. Some purist may complain but if the context where you speak or write is not too strict, like an official paper, then it's ok.
P/s: though your name or at least that character is most certainly not rational in the head XD

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