
4 Replies ・ Started by personlearningnihon at 2023-08-23 21:50:04 UTC ・ Last reply by Lyza at 2023-08-28 09:55:09 UTC

whats the "Te" particle mainly used for?


jarmanso7 at 2023-08-27 05:33:03 UTC

There is no such thing as the "Te" particle.

If you mean the particle "De" (で), have a look here: https://www.guidetojapanese.org/particles2.html#part5

If, on the other hand, you mean the "Te" form of a verb, then see the section "Expressing a sequence of verbs with the te-form" here https://guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar/compound and also here https://guidetojapanese.org/learn/grammar/teform

Leebo at 2023-08-27 09:55:09 UTC

@jarmanso in the native understanding of grammar, the て in a verb's て form is called a 接助 or 接続助詞 (conjunctive particle). This is the same category of things as ば and ながら.

So I'd say it's fair to say there is such a thing as the て particle. It just isn't the paradigm most learners are exposed to initially.

jarmanso7 at 2023-08-28 00:02:41 UTC

@Leebo It's only fair then to take back my statement that "There is no such thing as the "Te" particle. Still, I think that someone asking for the uses of て is probably not that much into Japanese yet that they are used to the paradigm you are talking to.

In any case, thanks for pointing this out, I didn't know about conjunctive particles.

Lyza at 2023-08-28 09:55:09 UTC

It's a conjuntive particle because in old japanese, you only need to put the particle て after stem form of verb to use much of the function the modern Te form has (so 行く => 行き+て, 読みて、見て、死にて、切りて, etc)
Overtime the pronunciation naturally transformed so 読みて=読んで、死にて=死んで、切りて=切って。
So from outside perspectives, modern japanese verb can be conjugated to Te-form , but it's actually just a pronuncation revolution from the combination of stem form + て

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