
3 Replies ・ Started by jisso at 2023-08-01 20:47:42 UTC ・ Last reply by Lyza at 2023-08-02 17:18:18 UTC

Do you think, this translation is correct?


In reality black is not a color; it is the absence of color.

Lyza at 2023-08-02 04:25:22 UTC

the "in reality" sound a bit weird in english even though some people do say it (instead of "in fact" or something else). Otherwise, nothing seems wrong to me here.

jisso at 2023-08-02 14:56:24 UTC

What confused me, was the word かけて. I thought that with kanji it would be 掛けて, and 欠けて just didn't cross my mind.

Lyza at 2023-08-02 17:18:18 UTC

掛ける is a transitive verb (used with direct noun) while 掛かる is intransitive.
So if you hear "~がかけている" it's probably this 欠ける while "~をかけている" then it's 掛ける.
"~~~がかかっている" would be 掛かる。
It's not always like that of course but it's common.

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