
2 Replies ・ Started by kabya2008 at 2023-06-11 07:52:58 UTC ・ Last reply by kabya2008 at 2023-06-11 09:42:20 UTC

Is this following sentnce correct?石川さんのお父さんお母さんを呼んでおります

Is the word 「呼んでおります」really exists. (sorry for my poor English. )

Leebo at 2023-06-11 08:22:10 UTC

Regarding 呼んでおります, it's just 呼ぶ in て-form, plus おる in polite form.

おる can function similarly to いる, so there's nothing strange about the structure of 呼んでおります at all.

That being said, it's only used in specific situations though, so it's hard to comment on the correctness of the full sentence without any context.

kabya2008 at 2023-06-11 09:42:20 UTC

I have understood it. Thank you for being so helpful.

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