
1 Reply ・ Started by ProfectusInfinity at 2023-05-23 03:19:54 UTC ・ Last reply by Fredora at 2023-05-23 20:24:13 UTC

Can I get help settling a translation dispute?

Unless it's rude to ask, I would like responses mainly from Japanese native speakers, please.

There is this scan from the guidebook for the Dragon Ball Z anime with a translation that is generally debated. The scan describes the Dragon Ball afterlife, which is a higher plane of existence. This is the image of the scan: https://i.stack.imgur.com/ZBzq8.jpg

The full relevant text is ["天よりも高く、人間界からは窺い知ることが できない次元を超越した天の国神々はこの地から世界のすべてを見おろしている”]. While there are many translations explaining the gist of this excerpt, we need to know what [次元を超越] means in this context, as it’s vaguely translated as “dimensionally transcendental” or “transcending dimensions.” Please choose which of these 3 options most accurately describes the meaning.

[次元を超越]: The word “transcendental” often refers to metaphysics and spirituality. That is to say, apart from the word’s usual definitions that indicate some kind of superiority, transcendental can also be a synonym for spiritual. [次元を超越] has nothing to do with superiority of any kind and the kanji for “transcendental” only describes how the afterlife is a spiritual world.

[次元を超越]: As a higher plane of existence, the afterlife is above the other realms in the universe. The word “dimension (at least in English)” can also describe parallel worlds as opposed to axes and aspects of time and space. [次元を超越] only means the afterlife is physically above the other realms and says nothing about some kind of spatial qualitative superiority.

[次元を超越]: The afterlife is a super-dimensional space (like a 4-dimensional space, 5-dimensional space, 6-dimensional space, etc.). It is a plane of existence that is higher dimensional, in the sense that it transcends the spatial and [possibly] temporal boundaries of the space below it. [次元を超越] means the afterlife is a transdimensional plane of existence.

Out of these 3 interpretations, which one most likely and accurately describes the meaning of [次元を超越]?

Fredora at 2023-05-23 20:24:13 UTC

With how there isn't really a set answer to a question like this, I don't see how a native speaker would be able to answer this any better than a non-native.

It's a world concept Toriyama, the creator of Dragon Ball, made up and Toriyama himself likely wouldn't be able to answer this question since he mainly created the world in a way that would be interesting and convenient for his storytelling. He probably didn't want to create a new religion or start philosophical discussions about what happens once you die in real life.

Now disregarding the terms and language used since Toriyama told a story about some dudes fighting and not about transcendentalism, seeing how the Kaios can observe other worlds from their place in real-time and even talk to Goku and his friends when needed it definitely isn't a place disconnected from time. Also it's not a place as elusive as one would think, since Buu and Goku casually teleport to Kaios small planet and the place where the dead live later on in the story.

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