at 2022-12-16 22:40:54 UTC
Are you sure it wasn't 縮約形? Basically that means contraction. 形 is a suffix, so to find the meaning on Jisho you'd need to look up 縮約 and 形 separately.
In Japanese contractions are like
〜てしまった becomes 〜ちゃった
〜ている becomes 〜てる
なければならない becomes なきゃ
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Meaning of 縮約系 (しゅくやくけい)
Studying to reach N3 saw this term in one of the videos i was watching, it's kinda always on the board so im guessing its a keyword yet i have not found meaning on jisho. I've had bad experiences with other sites who dont give good translation and feel like jisho is the only one that is good.