While writing a computer program we use 'expressions' frequently.
For example, output of following expression will be 20 if value of variable a is 2 and that of is 10
print (a * b)
In normal day to day life there are usages like
例.facial expression
例.eyes express heart 等
'に就いて' を使った例文をお願いします。
Most entries in the dictionary are just plain words. With something like について, it's a combination of に and the て form of つく. Entries like this, which are comprised of more than one item and more than one part of speech, are categorized as "expressions."
Thank you Leebo.
By the way, when this 'Discussion' section along with 'Start a new discussion' link appear?
What is the meaning of Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.) ?
When describing this word, the Jisho dictionary is using "Expressions (phrases, clauses, etc.)". I've seen this in other JP dictionaries, but I can't understand it. I don't know if it's something related to English language or Japanese. I'm not fluent in both.