
9 Replies ・ Started by mojo at 2022-03-11 12:50:56 UTC ・ Last reply by mojo at 2022-03-13 21:58:21 UTC

how do i specifically search for words only in hiragana

sorry if this is stupid/confusing, im new to this

Leebo at 2022-03-11 13:52:42 UTC

It might help to explain more what you mean and why you want words like that.

Do you mean words that have no kanji? I'm not sure there's any way to specifically search for that.

Do you mean words that are usually not written with kanji, even though they do have kanji? Those can be searched for with the "usually kana" tag.


If you mean something else, please explain.

mojo at 2022-03-12 02:18:18 UTC

words written only in hiragana
(also again, im new to this so sorry)

Leebo at 2022-03-12 03:07:27 UTC

If you mean words that truly only be written in hiragana, as in... they can't even be written in katakana, there really is no such thing. Any word in Japanese can be written in either of the kana sets. Some things are more commonly written as hiragana or katakana, but there's nothing stopping them from going the other way.

Again, explaining why you are trying to find what you're looking for would also help, because we may be able to recommend something apart from this very specific search parameter.

mojo at 2022-03-12 03:20:12 UTC

alright let me give some backstory and maybe you will understand:
so I was trying to learn how to write in Japanese using this website, and my friend who speaks and writes in Japanese fluently told me that I was using advanced alphabets that were learned in higher grades, and he told me to learn hiragana first. what does he mean by that?

Leebo at 2022-03-12 03:27:14 UTC

To me it sounds like you were writing words in kanji. There's nothing inherently wrong with that, but it does take some time to learn what words should be written in kanji and when you should just use kana instead.

If you are a beginner, they probably just wanted to recommend mastering the basics before moving on to more advanced things.

As I said above, any word in Japanese can be written in hiragana. If you search for words here, they will always include the kana in addition to any kanji. If you want to practice hiragana, you can refer to those. As you learn more Japanese, you'll pick up a feel for when you should avoid kanji even if it's available.

mojo at 2022-03-12 03:34:40 UTC

ok, also this is unrelated but where should i begin? my friend said to start learning how to write first but how do i learn?

Leebo at 2022-03-12 04:17:56 UTC

There are lots of apps and websites out there. You could try something like Tofugu.


Leebo at 2022-03-12 04:18:49 UTC

Oh, I guess that's more of a reading guide than a writing guide, but as I said, there are lots of apps out there if you search for writing Japanese.

mojo at 2022-03-13 21:58:21 UTC

that website tufogu is very helpful thank you

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