at 2022-03-06 21:21:12 UTC
I personally think definition 3 probably covers it adequately, since the definition intended there is "things used to stand things up", even though the only example given is "as in inkstand", but if you really want to see kickstand also added as an example, you could submit it. The FAQ explains that Jisho does not handle changes to the entries. Submission to the database that Jisho uses are handled elsewhere.
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Maybe there is another meaning to this word
「俺は自転車のスタンドを倒すと跨った」 From the visual novel そして明日の世界より. Shouldnt the word スタンド have another meaning entry for " bike kickstand", maybe "bicycle kickstand"? I checked jisho and theres also the word キックスタンド...
My best bet is they both exist to name the thing you use to park your bike, however スタンド is way more commonly used than キックスタンド.