
5 Replies ・ Started by debil03311 at 2022-03-05 02:55:30 UTC ・ Last reply by Kimtaro Admin at 2022-05-28 23:32:21 UTC

Incorrect stroke count and grouping for 舛


As the title says, the stroke count shows up as 7 when it should actually be 6 and it's also grouped with the other 7-stroke radicals in the selector.

Leebo at 2022-03-05 03:08:05 UTC

If we're discussing the radical, it can be written with either 6 or 7 strokes, depending on if the kanji that uses it is a 新字体, like 舞, or if it's a 旧字体 or never got a 新字体 version, like 蕣.

The shape alone isn't that common I don't think. Except in names or place names, maybe? It's a 人名用漢字.

Leebo at 2022-03-05 03:08:38 UTC

Oh, forgot to say the newer (新字体) versions use 7 strokes and older (旧字体) versions use 6 strokes.

debil03311 at 2022-03-06 01:56:16 UTC

Oh, I wasn't aware of that. I was actually brushing up on radicals when this one came up and I started wondering what else it's being used in.

I just tried looking it up and from what I can see the general consensus is that it has 6 strokes. I personally haven't seen it being written with 7, but I'll take your word for it being a new and old form thing. Still though, the stroke breakdown uses the 6-stroke variant while the actual count is shown to be 7 which I think we can agree is kinda confusing.

Leebo at 2022-03-06 02:14:39 UTC

Compare the stroke order diagram for 舞 with the stroke order diagram for the radical alone.

The right side element of the radical is 4 strokes there, whereas it's 3 in the old version, making the whole thing 7.


This is the most commonly encountered form of the radical, unless you start to study well beyond the jouyou kanji set.

Kimtaro Admin at 2022-05-28 23:32:21 UTC

This now shows with both 6 and 7 as possible counts, with 6 being the preferred.

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