OMG!! Thanks!! :D
Thanks for your hard work! I've been longing for this for a long time!
One feedback: untokenized words are a bit hard to read:
Other than this I haven't seen a single problem, so thanks again!
we need Recent searches
@Minkogyi what do you mean? There already is a "recent searches" section on the search results.
Glad you all like it :)
@krion Thanks! I'll fix it.
@Minkogyi Like @Leebo said, on the right hand side of the search results page you should have your last ten searches.
@krion This is fixed now.
The feature I didn't know I needed, thank you so much 😍
@Kimtaro thanks! Really appreciate it.
Finally! I've been wondering about a dark mode for ages now. Thanks for putting this feature in!
Happy to hear you all like it!
Thanks so much for the dark mode!! Found some contrast issues with the parts of a sentence.
In this "そんな" is too dark to read: 昨晩聞いたそんな言葉が脳裏に浮かび、我知らず呼吸が荒くなる。
Same with "それ" in それも爬虫類を思わせる鉤爪だった。
and "そして" in そしていまでは村人たちに弓の使い方といった護身術まで教えてくれているそうだ。
can't thank you enough, love you. jishou really save my life, thank you for creating jishou
Bumping because of the contrast issues in my last comment :)
@sheodox2 Thanks for pointing this out. I can see where the error is. I'm having some issues with my development environment at the moment, but as soon as I can I will push a fix.
@Kimtaro thanks!
Also "君" in "だから耽美なる白磁の顔、いと眩しき最も情け深き慈愛の君はどうかしら?" has the same issue.
@sheodox2 Just pushed a fix for these. Thanks for reporting!
@Kimtaro thank you so much!
Finally I will stop being blinded when using Jishio at night!
Thanks team!
Dark mode for Jisho
Many of you have asked for dark mode for a long time.
It's finally here.
There is now a "Theme" option in the top menu. Hover on it (or click if you're on mobile) and you can choose from Light mode (the default), Dark mode, or Auto.
When you choose Auto, the site will match the color of your operating system.
If something looks wonky, is hard to read or shows as light while in dark mode let me know and I'll fix it.