Kimtaro Admin
at 2016-06-24 18:49:37 UTC
You can see the constituent radicals on the kanji details page under Parts on the left side:最%20%23kanji
at 2016-06-27 07:32:13 UTC
thanks for the response, a big help for my kanji studies :)
at 2016-07-01 15:49:45 UTC
I use or (Jisho's Parts field here is unsatisfactory because it breaks it down too far).
at 2021-08-14 22:03:11 UTC
i just created this account to say thank you nattoengine
at 2022-11-05 10:25:25 UTC
I have done the same, I have created an account just to say thank you to nattoengine ^
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Decompose Kanji
Is there a way to decompose a kanji to its radicals? Sometimes I find kanji with similar radicals but I can't find that radical in the radical search here in Thanks for the answers.
P.S. - By the way I'm new here and if this post is irrelevant to this site, feel free to delete this admin. Thanks again.